What if We Nuked Mars? Would it Make Mars Our Second Earth?

We know that we need to settle on another planet as well. Do you know what would happen if we nuked Mars? Would it make Mars our second Earth? At present, our world is going through very big threats like global warming, pollution, nuclear war, and overpopulation. A very big question is whether the human species can maintain its presence on earth for the next 200 years or not. We will have to settle on other planets in our solar system or their moons. Mars is one of those planets where human settlements are possible in the future. 

But what if we made the whole planet Mars habitable? That is, we could terraform it. which scientists are also considering the idea of nuking Mars, under which scientists can make Mars habitable gradually by exploding several nuclear bombs on it. But what is this concept and how can it work? You will learn everything about it in today's article.

What if We Nuked Mars? Would it Make Mars Our Second Earth!


Future of our Planet Earth!

The scariest future for us humans will be one in which human civilization itself is envisioned to come to an end. These imaginations are not baseless. At present, apart from problems like climate change, nuclear war, destruction of biodiversity, holes in the ozone layer, huge increases in population, etc., mankind is also facing the deadly danger of celestial dangers like the collision of a meteorite. 

Till the 20th century, we thought that we were living in a very safe place, but now the situation has completely changed. The threat of extinction for the human race has increased alarmingly in many ways. The great scientist Stephen Hawking has said that within just 200 years, the existence of the human race may end forever, and the only solution to this crisis is to establish human colonies in space.

Mars could be our second planet!

Research conducted in recent years shows that our neighboring planet Mars may be the most suitable place for us earthlings to create space colonies in the future. Although Mars is a very dry and cold planet, it contains many elements that are capable of making it suitable for life, such as water, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, etc. Although Venus, Earth's twin, has a similar internal structure to Earth, Mars is unique when it comes to habitable conditions.

Mars rotates on its axis at approximately the same time as Earth. Like Earth, Mars also has an atmosphere, which is quite thin. But along with these similarities, there are also some dissimilarities, which pose a big challenge in converting Mars into space colonies for humans. There is neither enough air nor sunlight on Mars.
The maximum temperature there is almost equal to the minimum temperature in Antarctica. Its atmosphere is very thin, due to which harmful solar radiation directly attacks the surface of Mars. Its atmosphere, composed of 95 percent carbon dioxide, can prove to be suffocating for us. 

Scientists believe that it is possible to make the environment on Mars like Earth. Scientists have suggested many ways to terraform Mars. Although the idea may sound exciting, terraforming is not easy. There are many technical, budgetary, and environmental problems associated with this.

What if We Nuked Mars? Would it Make Mars Our Second Earth!

Ideas to make it habitable!

A recent suggestion related to this has been given by the famous billionaire and SpaceX owner, Elon Musk. SpaceX is a company that is much ahead of the space agencies of other countries like NASA, ISA, JACKSA, and ISRO in terms of reaching Mars and establishing a colony there. This company is only 17 years old but maintains its dominance in launching satellites across the world. SpaceX chief Elon Musk believes that Mars can be made habitable again by detonating nuclear weapons in the atmosphere above the poles of Mars.
According to their plan, nuclear explosions will work like an artificial sun over Mars, which will melt its icy glaciers, and the explosion of nuclear weapons will release carbon dioxide, which will completely cover its atmosphere, thereby creating a greenhouse effect. Which will gradually warm the cold climate of Mars. Also, due to carbon dioxide, its thin atmosphere will gradually become thicker. 

Through this, we can make Mars habitable and green again in a few hundred years. But this technology will cost a lot of money, and there are also many dangers present in it. Scientists say that even though this technology sounds easy and exciting, it is not that much. According to some scientists, due to the explosion of nuclear weapons on Mars, the atmosphere there may become very cold, due to which the temperature there may become colder instead of hotter. 

Due to the use of nuclear weapons, a blanket of ash and dust will cover Mars, causing the average temperature of the planet to drop drastically and the nuclear winter to begin there.

Summary and FAQ

There is also a danger of radiation spreading to the atmosphere and surface of Mars through this technology. Which can destroy our only hope for the future, i.e., Mars. Seen from this perspective, Musk's ideas are very terrible. It would be better if we stepped carefully on Mars. And do not destroy any microbial life form growing there under the ground. Here are some questions that could arise in your mind:

1. Why is nuking Mars a bad idea?

Nuking Mars is a bad idea because it will have major effects on its surface and atmosphere.

2. Can we survive on Mars?

Not really, as its atmosphere is filled with only 96% carbon dioxide.

3. Which planet has life like Earth?

Scientists have found that Kepler-452b is the most similar planet to our Earth.

4. Why was the moon nuked?

There have been discussions in the past about potential lunar missions involving nuclear devices for scientific exploration or altering the Moon's surface, but such plans have not been implemented.

5. Will nuking Mars create an atmosphere?

Nuking Mars to create an atmosphere is not a viable or practical idea. While some theoretical discussions involve terraforming Mars, the challenges are immense, and the idea of using nuclear explosions has significant ethical, environmental, and scientific concerns. Current space exploration plans focus on more feasible approaches to studying and potentially altering the Martian environment.