Black Holes Explained! Know Everything About Them We Know So Far!

Let's talk about one of the strangest and most mysterious topics in the world. Black holes are one of the most common topics among space and fact-lovers. Scientists keep publishing new information about black holes regularly. But this is one of the strangest things in our space. Its gravity is powerful enough to attract light into it! and the time it spends around it is slower than the world. In this article, you will get complete information about its formation and mysteries. You'll be shocked after knowing that its size is thousands of times smaller than a dot you make on paper! While its density is thousands of times that of the Earth! Let's explore this amazing topic of the space world!

Black Holes Explained! Know Everything About Them We Know So Far!
Black Hole


After hearing the term black holes, We think it could be a planet with extremely high gravity. But its main center of gravity point is smaller than a dot you make on paper. Black holes are born when big massive stars die or collapse with other stars, which is known as a supernova in science. You will be wondered to know that anything can become a Black Hole! if we fix all the Earth's Matter density in a nanometer size particle. Then Earth can  easily become a Black Hole. Black Holes can also forms by collision of gases present in space. This process ends with formation of big masses which can be thousands and lakhs times larger than Sun. These Black Holes are spread like a disc shape. 

Black part is the main and the highest gravity point is present in it's center.  Other Oval like formation is gases and dust orbiting it. The outermost layer is known as event horizon. It has also have two parts. The inner and outer event horizon. Which means after moving just an inch inside this layer, Black Hole's gravity will pull you inside it. The other part of Black hole is singularity. Which is the place where matter is compressed to an infinite point? The nearest black hole to Earth is Gaia BH1, which is around 15 times bigger than the Sun.

Black Hole
Image Credit: Pixabay

Types of Black Holes: 

  1. Stellar Black Holes: These are also known as Small Black Holes. They form when big stars burn or die. Scientists have studied this type of black hole the most. But these black holes can be 100 times bigger than the Sun.
  2. Intermediate-Mass Black Holes: This type of black hole is rare. They form when multiple stellar masses of black holes merge. This phenomenon usually occurs in crowded regions of space.
  3. Supermassive Black Holes: This type of Black Holes gets bigger as they continuously merge with stellar Black Holes and absorb most matter. They usually get to the center of galaxies. This type of black hole can be millions of times bigger than the Sun.
  4. Primordial Black Holes: Theory says that this type of Black Holes formed after the birth of the universe. The amazing thing is that they can be 100,000 times smaller than a planet or 100,000 times bigger than the Sun.

Origin of the Word Black Hole:

According to the data, This term was first introduced by Albert Einstein in 1916 through the theory of relativity. He just stated that if this type of thing is present in space, it will be black as its gravity will absorb all the light and colors. But he didn't know that this existed in reality. Karl Schwarzschild solved the equations given by Einstein and showed their existence in the universe. After that, space discoveries gained speed. Scientists found the first stellar stars and confirmed that black holes exist in reality, millions of black holes are present in our universe, and more black holes are forming continuously. The first real black hole was Cygnus-X1.

Conditions of Black Holes:

Do black holes also die? This has many theories, like that it starts to evaporate slowly after a long time of birth. Hawking predicted that it also radiates energy from its center and shrinks slowly. These timescales are longer than the age of our universe!
Black holes are insane energy factories! As we stated, Hawking predicted this. But it is scientifically proven that black holes absorb and radiate their energy into space. This energy is thousands of times greater than we need for any space mission. But the problem is, how do we get this energy? Maybe it'll be possible in the future.
Black Holes breaks all the physics laws! This can be explained by the theory of relativity. As we move faster around the black hole, Time gets slow. That's why scientists say that if you come to Earth after completing just one circle around a black hole, You'll see that many years have passed on Earth. And for you, this could be just a week.
If you fell into a black hole, Now you can imagine what would happen if you fell into a black hole. You will definitely become a noodle, as gravity will pull and compress you, and you will die in just a few nanoseconds.
If the sun is replaced by a black hole, If a black hole takes the place of a sun having the same size as it, All the planets will keep orbiting it. But if any object goes under its event horizon, It will be pulled by its gravity.

Summary and FAQs

Now you have some new information about black holes. The black hole is one of the most common and famous topics in the space world. Scientists don't yet know what is exactly inside it or how it absorbs everything and releases energy. When we think about strange things present in our universe, Black Hole's image comes first to mind. Black holes have enough power to absorb everything in them, whether it is an asteroid or another black hole. This insane collision is happening somewhere in space right now! We'll keep updating this article when new information about them comes in. As many space agencies are doing research on them, If you want to know about more strange things present in our universe, you can see a whole article on this on our blog. Here are some questions that could be on your mind now:

What's inside the black hole?

A point of gravity that is strong enough to absorb everything.

Who discovered the black hole?

Karl Schwarzschild first demonstrated his existence by solving Einstein's equations.

Which is the biggest black hole?

TON 618 is the biggest black hole found by NASA yet. It is 66 billion times bigger than the Sun's mass.

Will a black hole hit Earth?

It is possible, as they can absorb anything whether it is Sun or any other Black Hole

What has escaped a black hole?

Scientists discovered a lone star who succeed in escaping a super massive black hole.

What happens when a black hole dies?

Black Hole Lose it's all mass and ends with a popping up.

Are white holes real?

Actually White holes are just an imaginative concept only.