Everything about Interstellar Comet 2I/Borisov!

About 2 years ago, on October 19, 2019, scientists discovered a very strange space object roaming in our solar system. Research found that this strange body was not from our solar system; rather, it had come to our solar system from a distant star. This was the first time that our telescopes had detected such a space object. Because of this, it remains a topic of discussion among scientists even today. But recently, scientists have discovered another such space object. Which is considered to be the second interstellar object discovered so far. But where did this mysterious object come from? Is it a spacecraft sent by aliens? And why do scientists show special interest in these interstellar objects? We will know all this in today's article.

Everything about Interstellar Comet 2I/Borisov!


Interstellar Objects found by scientists

Every day, scientists get to see some new astronomical phenomena or mysterious space objects in space.
1. And almost two years ago, on October 19, 2017, scientists saw such a mysterious object in space through a telescope installed in the Hawaiian Islands.
The scientists were surprised to see it; they could not understand at all what that thing was, and where did it come from suddenly? When scientists observed this rapidly moving body through other telescopes, they noticed some more strange things in it. Firstly, its speed was very high, and secondly, its brightness was increasing tenfold every seven hours and twenty minutes before returning to its previous state. Its length was ten times more than its thickness, which was very strange.
This had not been seen with anyone in the solar system till now. Scientists were unable to classify that celestial body for a few days.
Since such strange behavior had not been seen with any body of the solar system till now, after much research and discovery, scientists guessed that it was not a member of our solar family, but it was from distant stars, i.e., 'interstellar space'. There was a guest in the middle. This strange object was seen for the first time by astronomers at the University of Hawaii.
That's why they also named it in the local language, Oumamua. In the Hawaiian language, this word means a first-time guest from a long distance.
2. Nearly two years after the discovery of Oumuamua, scientists have recently achieved another major success. Scientists have detected another space object coming from interstellar space. This object has once again become a topic of discussion among astronomers around the world.

On August 30, 2019, amateur astronomer Gennady Borisov discovered a comet-like object at the MARGO Observatory in Crimea. This object was quite strange, and it also had a small tail of gas and dust. Borisov made this discovery through a 0.65-meter telescope he built himself.
After a week-long discussion between amateur and professional astronomers around the world, the International Astronomical Union has recognized this object as an interstellar object after study and observation. This second interstellar object has been named 2I/Borisov.

From where did 21/Borisov come?

Initially, the confusion was whether this object was a comet or an asteroid. Or some alien spacecraft that came from outside our solar system? Initial observations have revealed that it is a comet. Comets are members of our solar system. Like other members, they also keep revolving around the sun. Comets are icy bodies of dust and gas. These are often called dirty snowballs because when they pass near the sun, they become extremely hot due to the sun's heat, and icy gases and dust particles start coming out.
But in this case, something different happened with Oumuamua; even after reaching very close to the sun, there was no sign of dust or gas, not even haze. While passing near the sun, its speed suddenly increased from about 95 thousand kilometers per hour to 3 lakh 15 thousand kilometers per hour! Scientists estimate that this may not happen with 2I/Borisov because, currently, its speed is 32 kilometers per second.

Everything about Interstellar Comet 2I/Borisov!

Astronomers believe that, apart from the Sun, other stars may also have planets, satellites, asteroids, and comets. Even though we know a lot about the planets, satellites, asteroids, comets, etc. of our solar system, we still know very little about a huge and spherical cloud located at the far end of the system, which is called the Oort Cloud.
According to scientists, 2I/Borisov has crossed the Oort cloud and entered our solar system from interstellar space. This is the second time we have seen such an external body of its kind. It is estimated that on average, one such body would pass through the inner solar system, i.e., anywhere between Mars and the Sun, every year.
But till now, we did not have any system to keep an eye on it and keep its accounts. Oumuamua came from the Vega star of the Lyra constellation, while there is currently no sign of Borisov's arrival. Even if we find out from which direction it has come, Still, coming from any direction does not mean that it was born from the same star or from any nearby planet. Therefore, we cannot find out about Borisov's birth and his journey even by knowing the direction.

Where is it going now?

In just two years, the arrival of another guest from the world of stars, outside the solar system, in our area is a matter of happiness in one sense and a cause for concern in another. Did they come earlier too and leave quietly without being registered? Or is our sun currently in some area of the galaxy where there are a lot of small objects wandering here and there?
The second possibility has been raised for a long time. Meteorites and comets that come from within the solar system, no matter how strange their place of arrival, can be found to deal with them. For the second time, an object has been identified on Earth that has definitely come from outside the solar system.

Summary and FAQ

Not only this, but it has also been confirmed that it has been roaming in the vast empty spaces between the stars for millions of years. The strange structure of this body, its fast speed, and its birthplace—these are some of the questions that this guest from the void between the stars has left astronomers wondering. Thank you, friends. Please tell us how you liked this article. Here are some questions that could arise in your mind:

1. Where is Comet Borisov now?

Comet Borisov passed through our solar system in 2019 and is likely beyond visibility.

2. What is the velocity of 21/Borisov?

Comet 2I/Borisov's velocity peaked at about 32 kilometers per second as it passed through the solar system in 2019.

3. Do comets still exist?

Yes, comets still exist. They are icy bodies in space, and many are located in the outer regions of the solar system.

4. What is the velocity of Oumuamua?

Oumuamua's velocity was about 315,000 kilometers per hour (196,000 miles per hour) when it passed through our solar system in 2017.

5. Why was Oumuamua so fast?

Oumuamua's high speed is believed to result from its origin in another star system. It gained momentum during its long interstellar journey before passing through our solar system.