Everything About Nebula You Need to Know!

There are many strange and weird things present in our space. In this article, we have discussed everything about Nebula you need to know! Maybe you have seen an image of a nebula that looks like a colorful explosion! When humans started discovering the universe, they found lots of strange and weird things in space, which made them more curious to know about them. Nebulae are one of those, as they look like a beautiful space event. Today you will learn about the formation of nebulae and the types of nebulae.

Nebula Explained


What is a Nebula?

The nebula is also called the cosmic nursery, which is mainly a cloud of dust and gases. According to the information received so far, a nebula is formed due to two different reasons. The first type of nebula came into existence only after the beginning of the universe, which was the Big Bang. The second type of nebula is formed after a supernova in an old star. Let's know in detail about its different types.

Types of Nebula

1. Emission Nebula

An emission nebula is a cloud of dust and gas. It is considered to be the most beautiful and colorful nebula. The reason for this is the ionized gas present in the nebula, which releases light of different wavelengths. The average temperature of these clouds is up to 10,000 kelvin. There are mainly two types of emission nebulas.

2. H-two regions nebula

In which the first type of emission The nebula is called H-two regions. This type of nebula is born when molecular clouds collapse together and form a young and hot star. Their clouds are mainly filled with ionized hydrogen. Due to which they emit red light. The average temperature of H-two regions is up to 10,000 kelvin, which is much higher than the temperature required for the birth of a new star. Do you know about white holes in space?

3. Planetary Nebula

The second type of emission nebula is known as a planetary nebula. This type of nebula is born when a star burns all its fuel and starts taking the form of a white dwarf. Then that star releases large amounts of gas and dust. This cloud contains a large amount of ionized hydrogen, oxygen, helium, carbon, and nitrogen. Which play an important role in the planets and solar systems that form around a star after its birth.

4. Reflection Nebula

Reflection nebula are mainly clouds of interstellar gas and dust that reflect the light of a nearby star or stars. These stars are not very hot to ionize the clouds of gas and dust present around them; thus, these clouds do not release any light. It appears mainly blue because the particles present in it scatter the blue color very well. The clouds present in the nebula are mainly made up of carbon compounds, iron compounds, nickel compounds, and other metallic compounds that reflect the light of stars very easily. Till now, scientists have discovered more than 500 reflection nebulae. Scientists have also discovered some galaxies that are completely made of gas and dust and behave like reflection nebulas.

5. Dark Nebula

Dark nebula are interstellar clouds that are made of very dense and concentrated dust. Due to this, they do not allow the light of the objects behind them to pass through them. The average temperature of a dark nebula ranges from 10 to 100 kelvins. Large dark nebulae can contain as much as a million solar masses of an element, and they can be spread over an area of above 200 parsecs. Which are also called giant molecular clouds. The Horse Head Nebula is the best example of a dark nebula, which gets its name from its shape. Due to the dark nebula, we are not able to see a part of the universe completely because it is so dense that our telescope cannot see beyond it. Other examples of dark nebulas are the eagle nebula, the pipe nebula, the carina nebula, and the shake nebula.

6. Supernova Remnant Nebula

This type of nebula is born after an explosion in an old star. When a star's fuel runs out, a supernova happens in it, in which a huge amount of gas and dust comes out, which takes the shape of a nebula by the time. All the material present in the inner core of the star is released out at a speed of 30,000 kilometers per second, which takes the shape of a shock wave. This expansion continues for the next hundreds to thousands of years. But it calms down with time. The temperature of the material released in this great explosion reaches several million kelvin, which emits X-ray light. Scientists detect such mega-explosions with the help of these X-ray waves. Common examples of supernova remnants are the crab nebula, veil nebula, NGC 2736, and jellyfish nebula.

Summary and FAQ

Nebulae are really one of the most incredible and beautiful things in our universe. Scientists have found many nebulae so far, and they are working continuously to find more. The formation of these nebulae can take up to hundreds to thousands of years. It is possible that any space agency will launch a space mission specific to studying nebula formation. Scientists have gotten this much information from ground-based telescopes and some space telescopes. Scientists have also predicted that we have to know much more about the nebulae, as this information is not enough to understand them perfectly. Here are answers to questions that could arise in your mind:

1. What is called a nebula?

The cosmic nursery, which is mainly a cloud of dust and gases.

2. Can I see a nebula?

Yes, you can see many nebulae in the night sky through your small telescope and even through your eyes.

3. Which nebula looks like a human eye?

The Helix Nebula looks like a giant human eye.

4. What is the beautiful nebula?

Scientists have found many nebulae that look so beautiful. Some of them are the Eagle Nebula, the Omega Nebula, the Lagoon Nebula, etc.

5. Who discovered the nebula?

Charles Messier