Everything About LB-1 Stellar Black Hole!

Scientists have a unique black hole in the universe. Today you will learn everything about the LB-1 Stellar Black Hole! There are many things in our universe that are so complex, vast, and mysterious that we cannot even imagine their existence, yet they exist in reality. One such strange creation of nature is the Black Hole. Every day, new revelations are made about Black Hole. 

Recently, an international team of scientists from China's National Astronomical Observatory discovered a black hole named 'LB-1' 70 times larger than the Sun in our galaxy, the Milky Way! This discovery has challenged the existing models explaining the origin of stars. So hello friends! In today's article, you will learn about the discovery of a black hole 70 times bigger than the Sun, which has surprised even the scientists.

LB-1 Stellar Black Hole!


How LB-1 Stellar Black Hole is different?

Till now, scientists generally believed that the mass of a stellar black hole could not be more than 20 times that of the Sun. Whereas the mass of this recently discovered black hole is approximately 70 times greater than that of our sun! Its distance from Earth is 15 thousand light years. 

This discovery has been disclosed in the science journal Nature. Stellar black holes are formed when large stars run out of hydrogen and helium fuel, after which a supernova explosion takes place in the stars, due to which the energy that keeps them expanding is also lost, and they contract due to extreme gravity and become extremely small. Dense lumps are formed.

According to Professor Liu Jifeng of China's National Astronomical Observatory, who was the leader of the discovery of this black hole 70 times larger than the Sun, there are observed to be 100 million black holes in the galaxy, but more than the scientists have found, Black Hole LB-1. It is twice as big. According to most current models of star evolution, a black hole of such size should not exist in our galaxy. We have published an article in which we explain everything about black holes. 

However, scientists previously believed that the large stars in the galaxy shed most of their gas through charged particles. This did not create a black hole the size of Black Hole LB-1. Now scientists will have to take up the challenge of explaining its creation.” Stellar black holes usually form after supernova explosions. This phenomenon occurs when massive stars are on the verge of extinction and burn rapidly. The large size of the black hole LB-1 creates what is known as the ‘pair instability gap’, where a supernova cannot make it through. This means that it is a different kind of black hole. It was created by some other process!

How Did Scientists Find This Unique Black Hole?

Black Hole LB-1 was discovered by an international team of scientists using China's complex LAMOST telescope. Along with this, two other large optical telescopes in the world confirmed the size of LB-1. This includes Spain's Gran Telescopio Canaria and America's Keck Eye telescope. 

Scientists tried to discover it by detecting the X-rays released from the black hole. But according to Liu Jifeng, this method can be of limited use because there are very few black hole systems where the orbits of their surrounding stars are close to them and they emit detectable X-rays. 

He said that instead, the team that discovered Black Hole LB-1 observed the movement of a large number of stars present in the vicinity for a long time before identifying the Black Hole. Despite not being a very successful device, this method was used for decades. Do you know something about white holes? 

LAMOST, built between 2001 and 2008 in northern China's Hebei province, allows researchers to detect up to 4,000 stars at once. This is one of the most powerful ground-based telescopes in the world ever built. 

Liu said that the method through which Black Hole LB-1 has been discovered will prove helpful in detecting other Black Holes in the future. There are estimated to be 100 million black holes in our galaxy, but only 4000 can emit X-rays, and now we can find out about them. According to scientists, this discovery challenges them to restart their study on the model of black hole formation.

Summary and FAQ

Black holes are one of the most strange things in our universe. Scientists have not yet found many black holes. We know that there are four types of black holes, and LB-1 is an example of a supermassive black hole. We have discussed its strange qualities, and scientists are studying this black hole very carefully. 

We will update this article if scientists find any more information about this black hole. Here are some questions related to black holes that could arise in your mind:

1. Is LB-1 a black hole?

Yes, scientists have found a weird black hole that is around 70 times the size of our sun!

2. What is the heaviest black hole in the universe?

Scientists have found a black hole that is the biggest among all black holes found yet, and they have named it TON 618.

3. Who is the first black hole found in the universe?

Cygnus X-1 was the first black hole found by humans in the universe.

4. Do wormholes exist?

Scientists have predicted that it is possible that wormholes actually exist in the real world, but none of them have been found yet.

5. What is a green hole?

These are some of the most rare stars found by scientists. They are green in color and form when a black hole doesn't lose mass or loses very little mass in billions of years.