Warp Drive And Wormholes Human Future Space Travel Technologies Explained!

Warp Drive And Wormholes Human Future Space Travel Technologies Explained!

Most people think that Warp Drive and wormholes are just imaginative concepts. But we need to achieve these technologies for future travel. Proxima Centauri is the nearest star system to our Earth, which is located about 4.25 light years away from our solar system. If we travel at the speed of 700,000 kilometers per hour in the fastest spacecraft in human history—the Parker Solar Probe Still, it will take us 7,000 years to reach our nearest star, which is quite a lot. 

Scientists have also discovered some such solar systems located hundreds and thousands of light years away from our Earth. Where many alien planets can exist like our Earth, where life like our Earth and perhaps some intelligent life can also exist, Even if we think of traveling to such star systems at the speed of light, it will take us thousands of years just to reach these planets. 

It will take many generations of humans to complete such a journey, and yet our journey will not be completed. That is, to put it simply, the speed of light appears very low compared to the size of our universe. Today you will learn about the future technologies that will help humans cover more space travel in less time.

Warp Drive And Wormholes


How Space Time Works?

Most scientists' understanding of spacetime is the result of Albert Einstein's Theory of General Relativity. According to general relativity, space and time are interconnected, which is called the fabric of spacetime. In simple language, you can consider spacetime like a sheet on which, the heavier the object we place, the more this sheet will bend, or rather curve.
Similarly, mass and energy bend spacetime. Every space object present in the universe curves the spacetime around it; in such a situation, the greater the mass of the object, the greater is its spacetime curve, which we feel as the gravity of that object. In such a situation, objects with low mass are always attracted towards the curve of objects with high mass.
Space objects with extremely high mass present in our universe, such as giant stars and black holes, curve this spacetime the most, due to which they have the highest gravity. The same scientists believe that the gravity of black holes is so high that it creates a hole in spacetime, due to which even light is not able to cross its event horizon.
In such a situation, Albert Einstein and his colleague Nathan Rosen believed that many holes could exist in spacetime that would work to connect two different places in space. Let us try to understand this with the help of an example: suppose A and B are two different places in space whose distance is several light years.
If you want to cover the distance from A to B in the traditional way, it will take you millions to crores of years. But if we somehow succeed in bending spacetime, then using this shortcut, we can travel the distance from A to B in a very short time, too, without breaking any laws of the universe.

What are worm holes?

These shortcut paths are called wormholes, which arise due to bends in spacetime. You must have seen its glimpses in the famous fictional movie Interstellar, where one part of the wormhole was in our solar system and the other part was in some distant star system.
Scientists believe that the black holes present in our universe may be connected to similar wormholes. The black hole absorbs everything around it, and nothing can come back from its singularity.

So there could be another part of it that spews the matter swallowed by black holes back into space, just like the Big Bang. These are known as white holes, which are completely opposite to black holes.
Some scientists believe that during the formation of our universe, many wormholes were born that are still connected to each other through the cosmic string. And the giant black holes present in the center of galaxies are similar wormholes that connect two different places in space.
It is possible that, in the future, we may be able to travel to other solar systems and galaxies using these wormholes. But according to scientists, it is not possible to cross these wormholes because it takes infinite time to do so.

Warp Drive And Wormholes Human Future Space Travel Technologies Explained!
Warp Drive Technology

What is Warp Drive Technology?

The other option is warp drive technology. We have already learned how we can curve spacetime through excessive mass or energy. Science fiction writers like John Campbell and Asimov saw this warping of spacetime as a way to achieve speeds faster than the speed of light.
According to him, if we compress the space in front of a starship and expand the space behind it at the same speed, then we can achieve a speed faster than the speed of light without putting much effort in.
Let us try to understand this through a famous example from MIT. Suppose our space is Slinky, on one side of which is our Earth, and on the other side is a star system many light years away. And our spacecraft started moving from the Earth. When we expanded the space behind it and shrank the space in front of it, our spacecraft reached its destination in a very short time.
Warp Drive Technology also works in exactly the same way. The special thing here is that we have expanded only the space behind our vehicle and compressed the space in front of it. But our spacecraft itself will remain safe in a bubble, and there will be no change in the space inside this bubble.
The thing to be noted here is that our vehicle is not moving at the speed of light or faster than that; rather, we have defeated the speed of light only by expanding and compressing the space in front and behind our vehicle. This warp drive technology has been specially used in the famous fictional movies Star Trek and Star Wars, through which starships were able to travel from one star system to another and galaxies thousands of times faster than the speed of light.
Now let us try to find out how we can make Warp Drive a reality. If we talk about compressing space, we have already discussed how a high-mass object or energy is capable of bending or compressing spacetime. But to compress the space necessary to make Warp Drive possible, we will need at least the mass of the planet Jupiter.

Summary and FAQ

If we talk about expanding space, then this is the biggest challenge before us. To expand the space, we will need negative energy. Negative energy is something whose energy is less than zero. When the energy is less than zero, that thing will create anti-gravity, and this anti-gravity will work to expand the space. But the problem is that nothing called negative energy exists, but we can definitely achieve it through the Casimir effect at the quantum level.
But to make Warp Drive possible, we will need a very large amount of negative energy. Which is not possible with the help of present time and technology. Even though Wormholes and Warp Drives are only science fiction today, But it does not take long for science fiction to become reality, and it is possible that wormholes or warp drives may become a reality in the coming few years.

1. Will humans achieve interstellar travel?

Yes, it is possible that humans will successfully achieve interstellar travel with future technologies.

2. Is warp drive possible in the future?

The theoretical answer is no, but this is possible with insane future technologies.

3. What is the fastest way humans can travel in space?

Humans have only achieved the speed of light yet. It is possible that we will achieve more speed through future technologies.

4. What happens if I enter a wormhole?

There are many theoretical answers like you will never come back, you will have a chance to contact us etc.

5. What did Einstein say about wormholes?

He said that it is a weird shortcut to minimize our space travel.