What Would Happen If Jupiter Collided With Saturn! 

Can you imagine? What would happen if Jupiter collided with Saturn? Jupiter and Saturn are the two largest planets in our solar system, which are completely made up of gases. After the Sun, these two planets have played the biggest role in the evolution and shape of our solar system. More than 80 small and big moons revolve around both planets, which form two mini solar systems within our solar system. But what will happen if, in the future, due to some cosmic event, these two largest planets in our solar system collide with each other? What effect will this have on these planets, our solar system, and life on Earth? And will the planet formed after this collision have enough mass to start fusion within itself and become a star? In this article, you will learn a lot about the collision between Jupiter and Saturn.

What Would Happen If Jupiter Collided With Saturn!


Importance of Jupiter and Saturn:

We need to understand the importance of these two planets in our solar system and their effects on Earth. We can divide the planets present in our solar system mainly into two parts. The first of which is the inner rocky planets present in the inner region of our solar system, which include planets like Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. If you cross the asteroid belt beyond Mars, then you will see the giant gas giants of our solar system. Which includes planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Gas giants are planets that are mainly made up of gases like hydrogen and helium. Their core is very small and is covered by many layers of dense clouds.
Gas giants like Saturn and Jupiter can be a dream destination for any future space traveler. But when these travelers reach these planets, they will come to know that there is no hard surface on these planets to land their spacecraft. Besides, the atmosphere of these gas giants is very dangerous. Because of this, any spacecraft that goes inside the atmosphere of these planets will burn and get destroyed within a short time due to the extremely high pressure and temperature. That is, as beautiful and wonderful as these gas giants look, they are also more dangerous and terrifying. Due to these reasons and their extremely large distance from Earth, only a few missions have been able to study these gas giants closely. You can learn about NASA's Juno Mission to Jupiter, which completely changed scientists' perceptions of it.
Due to its huge size, Jupiter has the most influence in our solar system after the Sun. Due to its high mass, its gravity is also very high, which attracts other planets and solar bodies like comets and asteroids towards itself. Because of this, it is sometimes also known as the vacuum cleaner of our solar system.
These rings of Saturn are made up of many small ice and rock particles whose size ranges from a few centimeters to several meters. According to scientists, these rings on Saturn were formed due to the breakage of a giant comet, an asteroid, or one of its moons. Saturn is the second-largest planet in our solar system, which, like Jupiter, is made up of gases. This planet was first studied by Pioneer 11 and Voyager missions through flyby. But the Cassini Huygens mission, launched in 1997, became the first mission to closely study this planet and its many moons by staying in its orbit.
Our solar system is a fully developed and stable system; hence, looking at the current orbit of both planets, there is no possibility of these two planets colliding with each other in the coming several billion years. But space is a very unpredictable place, and it is possible that due to some huge cosmic event such as galactic tidal forces, a giant asteroid, or a rogue star passing near our solar system, there may be a collision between these two planets in the future. Can be made In such a situation, a team of scientists has tried to find out, with the help of physics-based simulation, what will happen if these two planets collide in the future. Let's discover, or discovo, what would happen if Jupiter collided with Saturn and what changes Earth and our whole solar system would face.

What Would Happen If Jupiter Collided With Saturn!

What if Jupiter and Saturn Collide?

In the event of a collision between these two planets, the rings of Saturn will be pulled towards them due to the powerful gravitational pull of Jupiter. After which, the atmospheres of both of these planets will collide with each other, due to which a lot of heat and energy will be generated. And ultimately, Saturn will kneel before Jupiter and be completely absorbed inside it. The mass and size of the new planet that will be formed due to this collision will be about 1.25 times greater than the planet Jupiter.
Also, due to its higher mass and density, the average temperature of this new planet will also be quite high. While at present the average temperature of the planet Jupiter is minus 150 degrees Celsius, the average temperature of this new planet formed after the collision can be around 52 degrees Celsius.

Due to the collision of Jupiter and Saturn, not only the shape of our old planet will change, but the composition of our new planet will also change. Our new planet will contain much more iron, silicate, and hydrogen than Jupiter. But at the same time, there will also be a large amount of water present in it, which will mainly come from the ice particles present in the destroyed rings of Saturn. While most of the rings of the planet Saturn will be absorbed into the planet Jupiter, some of them can also reach their orbit and form a small ring system, which will remind us of the giant rings of the planet Saturn, which are extinct.

Contributions of Jupiter and Saturn on Earth!

But this would not be the first time that a planet in our solar system suddenly disappeared. Scientists say that at the time of the formation of our solar system, there was another planet present between Jupiter and Neptune, which got ejected from our solar system due to some violent event and disappeared from our solar system. Also, billions of years ago, a planet the size of Mars collided with our planet Earth, due to which the Moon was formed. Jupiter and Saturn have made a significant contribution to the development of the solar system and the origin of life on our planet. The gravity of these giant planets protects us from the asteroids and comets coming from the outer solar system, due to which the conditions on our planet have become favorable for life. If these planets were not there, then it is possible that the first microorganisms that flourished on our earth would have been destroyed due to an asteroid impact, and the conditions on our earth would not have been favorable for life. The collision of Jupiter and Saturn will not only completely change our solar system but will also affect life on Earth.

Summary and FAQ

Now you have enough knowledge to understand this massive collision. These collisions are occurring now between many planets in different places in our universe. Our space world is full of mysteries, massive events, and shocking things. You have learned about the importance of Jupiter and Saturn in our solar system and their contributions to the formation of the Earth. This collision between Saturn and Jupiter could result in the destruction of our whole solar system, including us! We are working continuously to give you this type of great content. Thus, give us a review of our content in the comment section. Here are some questions that could arise in your mind:

What would happen if Jupiter collided into Saturn?

If this collision between two big gas giants happens, it could result in the destruction of our whole solar system, including us!

Would Jupiter and Saturn collide to make a star?

This is possible, as they are capable enough to create a star by their collision.

What would happen if Earth collided with Saturn?

This could result in the destruction of our planet and all living beings on it.

Have planets ever collided?

Yes, many planets have collided in the past, as per scientists' observations. Our moon was formed by one of these collisions.

Which planet has been missing?

We can call it Planet Nine of our Solar System. It is still unnamed and has not been found yet.