NASA's ARTEMIS Moon Mission Explained Everything!

Today You will learn about NASA's ARTEMIS Moon Mission to create a lunar base on the surface of the moon. In the last 50 years, no astronaut has landed on the moon since the Apollo 17 mission. But now the American Space Agency, which is regarded as the top-ranked space agency in the world, NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), is also planning and working on a mission to create a lunar base on the Moon. Which means they will create a base on the surface of the moon where astronauts will stay and continue their research on the moon. They will create a whole laboratory, a landing surface for the Lander, a plane road for the Rover, and every basic need an astronaut will need during his research. This article will give you complete knowledge about the Artemis Mission, which is one of the most challenging and amazing moon missions performed by humans and NASA.

NASA's ARTEMIS Moon Mission Explained Everything
Image Credit: Pixabay


Scientists perform some example missions before launching the main mission, like before the First Manned Mission of Apollo. 11 Scientists performed 10 APOLLO missions to check and test their predictions about launch, landing, and overall performance. Thus, in Artemis Mission to Mission, scientists have performed several small launches to check their predictions. ARTEMIS, the name of this insane mission, comes from the twin sister of Apollo and the Greek Goddess of the Moon. Through this mission, NASA is planning to build a lunar base where astronauts will study the moon and its environment more accurately than machines.
ARTEMIS Mission has three main series: ARTEMIS 1 was not a crewed mission, while ARTEMIS 2 and ARTEMIS 3 Missions will include astronauts. The main purposes of Artemis 1 and 2 are to check landings and functions. To make the Artemis mission successful, a special lunar gateway will also be prepared in the moon's orbit, which will be used in future moon missions, Mars missions, and other deep exploration missions. NASA has already launched its Artemis 1 on November 16, 2022, from Kennedy Space Center. Artemis 2's expected launch date is November 2024, while Artemis 3 will launch in December 2025. Other space organizations like ESA, JAXA, ISRO, etc. are also contributing to these mission series.

NASA's ARTEMIS Moon Mission Explained Everything


Artemis 1 was an uncrewed mission whose main objective would be to test in space all the components required for the Moon Mission, such as the Space Launch System and Orion Capsule. The Space Launch System, i.e., SLS, is a super heavy-lift launch vehicle on which work has been going on for several decades. This will be the most powerful launch system ever made by NASA and will be used for deep space exploration missions. 

The second most important component of the Artemis mission will be a special human spacecraft named Orion Capsule. This capsule will keep humans alive in extremely difficult conditions during the Moon mission of several months and will help in successfully landing back on Earth.

The Orion capsule and the life support system present in it were successfully tested in 2014 through Delta 4 Rocket. It was a long journey during which the Orion capsule orbited the moon for several days, during which it tested all the necessary components and technology. After which, this Orion capsule traveled back to the earth and successfully landed in the sea.


After the successful completion of Artemis 1, the expected launch date of Artemis 2 is November 2024. This mission will be crewed, which will include three astronauts. Before Apollo 11 successfully landed on the Moon, Apollo 8 was the first mission that took astronauts to the Moon's orbit for the first time. Apollo 8 Mission: After orbiting the Moon for a few days, it successfully returned the astronauts back to Earth.
Its biggest advantage was that before landing on the Moon, scientists had successfully tested all the components and hardware in space. Similarly, under the Artemis 2 mission, the Orion capsule will be sent into space with the help of the Space Launch System. This Orion capsule will take the astronauts to the orbit of the moon, where they will orbit the moon for a few days, during which the astronauts will test all the necessary technology, components, and hardware. After which, all the astronauts will start their journey back to Earth with the help of the Orion capsule and will try to land in the sea.

But the American Space Agency NASA's goal with the Artemis Mission is to test all of the technology required for future Mars missions as well as for deep space exploration. As a result, NASA is currently working on a proposal through the Artemis Mission to establish a lunar base on the surface of the moon and send astronauts there for several days.

NASA's ARTEMIS Moon Mission Explained Everything
Credit: Pixabay

Lunar Gateway Concept:

If this expedition is successful, a lunar base and a lunar village will also be created on the moon in the future. However, scientists will require more resources, power, and equipment, which will be difficult as well as expensive to transport from Earth to the Moon with the help of the Space Launch System. In light of these issues, NASA proposed the Lunar Gateway concept. Under the Artemis Mission, the Lunar Lander required to land humans on the Moon will already be present in the Lunar Gateway installed in the Moon's orbit. Due to this, the payload of the Space Launch System will be significantly reduced, allowing humans to travel to the Moon in a very short time using very little fuel and technology.
NASA has reached an agreement with several commercial companies to construct a Lunar Gateway in lunar orbit. Instead of deploying all of the Moon Landing components from Earth using the Space Launch System, NASA wants private enterprises to collaborate to create a Lunar Gateway in the Moon's orbit.

Private firms will launch all of the parts of the Lunar Gateway into the Moon's orbit one by one, creating a massive Lunar Gateway by joining all of these little sections. The Lunar Gateway will be a form of space station where astronauts can stay for several months and undertake various types of research and experiments. In the future, this lunar gateway will serve as a refueling station, technical support for Mars expeditions, and deep exploration missions, providing all essential resources to these expeditions.


The Artemis 3 Mission will be launched in December 2025. The Orion capsule will be launched from Earth through the Space Launch System, which will be separated from SLS after going into space. After which, the Orion capsule will travel alone to the moon. After reaching the moon's orbit, this orion capsule will connect with the lunar gateway already present there. After which, with the help of the Lunar Lander present there, astronauts will land on the South Pole of the Moon. There will be a total of three astronauts present on this mission, out of which there will be one woman astronaut and two men astronauts who will step on the moon again after about five decades.

The South Pole region of the Moon was chosen for landing due to its abundance of water ice and massive craters. Water ice can be used by astronauts to create drinking water. Astronauts can also use the massive craters in the Moon's South Pole as a lunar base to protect themselves from the hazardous radiation from the sun and temperature.
Astronauts will begin their return voyage to Earth once all experiments on the Moon have been completed. First and foremost, astronauts will return to the Lunar Gateway using the Lunar Ascent Vehicle. They will then begin their journey back to Earth through the Orion Capsule, hoping to successfully land on the sea. However, NASA intends to create a Lunar Base and a Lunar Village on the Moon through a series of Artemis missions in the second phase of the Artemis Mission. All of the technology required for future Mars trips will be evaluated as part of the Artemis Mission. In order to make the anticipated mission of landing the first human beings on Mars in 2030 a success,
The proposed Lunar Gateway in the Moon's orbit will prove to be a stepping stone for future Mars missions and deep space exploration. The main objective of the Artemis Mission is to test the technology required for all the important missions proposed in the future.

Summary and FAQ:

I hope you have learned a lot about this insane and challenging NASA mission to the Moon. India's ISRO is also planning to perform its LUPEX mission like the ARTEMIS mission, but this mission doesn't include astronauts. We have given complete information about this mission. The successful completion of this series will give humans a chance to complete their upcoming space missions earlier. Here are some questions that could arise in your mind:

What is the Artemis mission?

To build a lunar base where astronauts will stay and do research.

Is ISRO part of the Artemis Mission?

It is possible that ISRO will collaborate on the Artemis Mission Series.

Why is NASA called Artemis?

Artemis is the twin sister of Apollo and the goddess of the moon, according to Greek mythology.

What is the full form of Artemis?

Acceleration, Reconnection, Turbulence, and Electrodynamics of the Moon's Interaction with the Sun

In which country is the Artemis mission?

The United States government started the mission to create a lunar base, in which other governments are participating in the Artemis Program.