How We Will Be Able to Colonize Venus! 

Scientists are saying that we should colonize Venus before Mars, as we are able to do it. You know that Venus is smaller than our Earth and the hottest planet in our solar system, and acid rain occurs. Despite all these things, many experts and researches are saying that Colonization on Venus is a smart choice over Colonization on Mars. They have found that the atmosphere of Venus planet is more similar to our Earth's atmosphere than any other planet in our solar  system.In this article, you will learn about amazing and mind-blowing facts about the Venus planet, and we will discuss the possibilities of life on Venus and how we will be able to colonize Venus.

How We Will Be Able to Colonize Venus!
How We will Colonize Venus


Venus Planet Explained

The planet Venus is not at all suitable for any kind of life to evolve. Its atmosphere is surrounded by very dense carbon dioxide, and it rains sulfuric acid. Due to which the temperature of its surface goes up to approximately 480 degrees Celsius, which makes it the hottest planet in the solar system. Due to its extremely dense atmosphere, the pressure on its surface is about 90 times greater than that on the Earth's surface. Besides, there are many other things present on this planet that make it a place like hell. 

That means, leave alone the idea of establishing a human settlement on the surface of Venus, we cannot even land life on Venus. Venus has many things that Mars does not have, the first of which is sunlight. Whenever we dream of establishing a human colony on another planet or its moon, the biggest obstacle is energy. It has many more positive factors than Mars that we will include in our next topics.
To go to another planet and establish human settlement there, a very large amount of energy is required. Sunlight is the most easily available energy source in our solar system. The planet Venus is located very close to the sun, due to which it receives about three times more sunlight than Mars. This means that by being present in the orbit of planet Venus, we can fulfill all our energy requirements only through sunlight. There is very little sunlight on Mars, due to which we will have to depend on nuclear energy and other energy sources to meet our energy needs. 

The atmosphere of Venus is mainly made up of carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Besides, its atmosphere is also much denser than ours. According to the studies done by scientists, if there is any place similar to Earth in the entire solar system, then it is the cloud present between the troposphere and mesosphere, about 50 kilometers above the surface of the planet Venus.

How We Will Be Able to Colonize Venus!

Why Venus is Better than Mars?

There are many similarities between Mars and Earth; both planets have been formed almost the same way. Besides, the geographical structures of both planets are almost the same. Although Mars is an extremely dry and cold planet, it contains many elements that are capable of making it suitable for life, such as water, ice, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, organic molecules, etc. Scientists have also found clues to old rivers, ponds, and organic molecules necessary for life on Mars, due to which they believe that, like Earth, liquid water and perhaps even life may have once existed on Mars. In such a situation, establishing human settlement on Mars will be quite easy, but the task will be challenging.
On the contrary, if we talk about Venus, then it is also considered the twin of our Earth because the size, mass, and density of these two planets are almost the same, and both planets revolve around the Sun in the same orbit. Also, according to scientists, both planets were born from the same type of space bodies and composition. 

Have you ever thought that the planet Mars, which is approximately three times further away from us than the planet Venus, we talk about sending humans there and establishing human settlements there, but the planet Venus, which is closest to our Earth, is also called the twin of the Earth? Why are we not thinking of going to that planet and establishing human settlement there? 

Venus is closer to the sun than Mars, so it receives three times more sunlight than Mars. This means that by being present in the orbit of planet Venus, we can fulfill all our energy requirements only through sunlight. There is very little sunlight on Mars, due to which we will have to depend on nuclear energy and other energy sources to meet our energy needs. The gravity of the planet Venus is about 90 percent compared to the gravity of our Earth, which is not a big difference. 

But on the contrary, the gravity of Mars is only 38 percent compared to our Earth. In such a situation, making a successful landing on Mars remains very challenging. And for this reason, more than half of the missions sent by humans to Mars have failed. Also, astronauts can face bone and muscle loss on Mars. 

Venus is present at less than half the distance from our Earth compared to the planet Mars. That is, using the same amount of fuel and resources, we can make one revolution around Mars and two revolutions around Venus. Also, by being present on planet Venus, we can communicate with Earth very easily.

How We Will Be Able to Colonize Venus!

Missions to Planet Venus

Space agencies started launching their spacecraft to the planet Venus in the 1960s. NASA, ESA, the Soviet Union, and Japan have attempted space missions to Venus, and Indian ISRO is now also planning to send their spacecraft to this planet to learn more about its atmosphere and surface, and they have named this mission Shukrayaan Mission .
  1. The first launch for the mission to the planet Venus, Tyazhely Sputnik, was attempted by the Soviet Union on February 4, 1961, but failed because of launch failure.
  2. After this failure, the Soviet Union started the Venera Mission Series to the planet Venus in 1961. But most of them failed.
  3. The first successful mission to Venus was Mariner 2 by NASA on August 27, 1962.
  4. On August 17, 1970, the Soviet Union created history by making a soft landing on the surface of Venus by Venera 7.
  5. After this mission, NASA and the Soviet Union successfully completed many missions to Venus.
  6. Japan's JAXA and ESA joined the race to Venus in early 2005. and now ISRO is also planning to send a spacecraft to this planet by 2025.
  7. Through these missions, scientists gained a lot of information about this planet's atmosphere, surface, seasons, etc.

How Will We Be Able to Colonize Venus?

Scientists are now planning to build a floating colony 50 kilometers above the surface of Venus. This floating colony will mainly be a huge balloon in which nitrogen and oxygen gases essential for life will be present. Since these gases are much lighter than carbon dioxide,  we can float in the clouds of Venus without exhausting any fuel. The atmosphere of Venus has all the factors that we need to live. But despite this, you will have to come out of your aircraft with special suits because the poisonous gases present here can suffocate you in just a few minutes. 

NASA has started working on a feasibility mission by the name of Havoc, a High-Altitude Venus Operational Concept. NASA is working on a plan to send a kind of floating balloon to the planet Venus. Initially, through these special air balloons, robots will be sent to the clouds of planet Venus, where they will stay for a few months and collect necessary data and information. Using which, in the future, humans will be sent to the clouds of planet Venus under human missions. 

And if this mission is completely successful, then the day is not far when an entire human colony will be floating on the clouds of planet Venus. This moment will be very exciting and wonderful, which can become a reality in the coming 15 to 30 years.

Summary and FAQ

Scientists are finding more possibilities to colonize Venus, as it is nearer to Earth than Mars and has more qualities than Mars. The atmosphere of Venus is more capable than its surface. That's why scientists are planning to build a colony above the clouds, as there is acid rain. It is possible that this imagination will become a reality in several years, and we are going to see a lot of amazing space missions in the future, which will include humans as well. I hope you have learned a lot from this article. Comment on what you liked the most in this article and give us feedback as well. Here are some questions that could arise in your mind:

Is Venus a good planet to colonize?

Venus has many good conditions to colonize, as well as many challenges to colonize.

Is it better to colonize Mars or Venus?

Many scientists believe that Venus is better than Mars to colonize.

Can life be possible on Venus?

It is possible in the Venusian atmosphere, as it has better conditions than its surface.

Which planet is best to colonize?

Scientists are working to colonize Mars and Venus, as they have many similarities to our Earth.

What planet is Elon Musk trying to colonize?

Elon Musk is trying to colonize Mars by 2030. This is one of Elon Musk's biggest goals.