Weird Things Found In Space Will Blow Your Mind!

We are afraid of those things that we can't understand or handle. In our beautiful space world, there are lots of weird things that we can't understand. In the universe, anything can happen at any time. There are millions of stars breaking at a time and becoming new stars and planets. In the past several years, when humans boosted their space missions and discoveries, scientists have discovered many strange things happening in our space. Here are the 10 weirdest things discovered by space organizations. So, be ready to get goosebumps, as we've found some really unusual incidents happening in our space.

Weird Things Found In Space



Hand of God:

In 2014, Nasa posted this photo. Nasa's Chandra X spacecraft observed this incidence. The bright part you can see is a star named PSR B1509-58. It rolls very fast in its positions, and the other part is just dust and smoke. This whole phenomenon looks like a real human hand. That's why it is named the Hand of God. This is just an example of what you'll see in this article. Let's find more amazing and strange things in our space world.


Fomalhaut is one of the most shockingly strange stars present in our universe. The central dot is the star, and others are small planets around it and some blank space as well. These all-planet and star combination diagrams look like a real human eye. You know that the sun is thousands of times bigger than our earth. However, this star is roughly twice the size of the Sun. This is one of those stars that has left scientists in trouble trying to understand its formation and birth.
Weird Things Found In Space

Human Like Face on Mars:

This is a real photo sent by a spacecraft Viking. This is one of the weirdest pictures sent by spacecraft. When scientists got this picture, they sent commands to spacecraft to revisit this location and send more pictures. But the horror part is that when a spacecraft went into this position again, It was just a mountain-like thing. The complete face was missing at that time. Some say that the face could be a sculpture or just an error in the photo. But the real theory about this photo has not yet been found by scientists. Get complete details and facts about India's Aditya L1.

Mysterious Void:

When we talk or think about space, We get an image of a black background and thousands of small stars, planets, and asteroids. But you'll be shocked after knowing that in space, there is a place of around 1.8 billion light years that is completely blank. Yes, in this region, there is nothing. Scientists were shocked after seeing this picture. There are lots of theories about this incredible and mysterious blank space in the universe, like there happened a big blast of a star or planet, like the big bang theory. But the reality has not been found yet. But this place is really mysterious, as it is completely empty.

1991 VG:

On November 6, 1991, American astronomer James Scotti observed a strange asteroid circling around the sun with Earth on its path using his Spacewatch telescope. The strange thing is that its diameter is just 12 metres, and it follows and observes Earth like a satellite. This made scientists doubt it. Some say that it is a normal small asteroid, while others say that it is possibly an alien's satellite that is observing Earth and sending information to them. That's why it was named 1991 VG. Know the most shocking facts about the moon and the details of Chandrayaan 3!


Voyager 1 was made by NASA under the Voyager programme to study the outer solar stem. It launched on September 5, 1977, and now it is around 24 billion kilometres away from Earth. It is the most distant object made by humans yet. The other reason to send this spacecraft is to connect with other civilizations present in space. If any civilization catches this craft and opens its parts, they will get the coordinates of Earth, pictures of Earth, and a message from the American President of that time. Many popular songs and music of that time are also present in it. So they can understand that there is a human civilization in the universe and can try to communicate with us and start a friendly relationship with us.

Mars Future Ring:

We know that there are many planets that have a ring-like structure around them, which is nothing more than small, broken parts of their moons. Which were formed when their moons collided with them. It is said that Mars is actually jealous of other ring planets like Saturn, Uranus, etc. That's why, in the future, Mars will also get its own ring. As the moons of Mars, Phobos and Deimos are coming close to Mars, and one day they will collide with Mars, break into millions of small parts, and form a ring around Mars.

Summary and FAQ:

I hope you got some really amazing and shocking information about your own world. You will be shocked to know that our moon is far from us every year. There are many weird things happening in our space, and we will update this article after new discoveries. You can read more articles on space missions and facts about the universe. Allow us to give you notifications about our new posts based on your interest. Here are some answers to the questions that could be on your mind:

1. What is the most scariest thing found in space yet?

Black Holes

2. What is the smell of space?

Astronauts says that space smells like burning metal and gunpowder.

3. Is it hot or cold in space?

There is usually cold in most places.

4. Can astronaut hear anything in space?

No, because of vacuum

5. How Large is space?

Larger than we think.

6. What is the craziest space fact?

The whole Space World is full of mysterious things and events.

7. What is the craziest fact about space?

At the heart of our galaxy, exists a supermassive black hole. Scientists have long suspected that a black hole exists in the centre of the Milky Way galaxy, but they have only lately received concrete evidence.

8. Why space is so mysterious?

Because it's large and open, it's mysterious. We haven't discovered everything because it's so vast, and it's still a mystery because we don't know what is there to be discovered that we don't know of.

9. Is there a crack in space?

Cosmic strings are universe-spanning strands of ancient Big Bang energy created by topological flaws in quantum fields. They have subatomic thickness but enormous mass, and they whip through space at near-light speed.

10. Could you cry in space?

Astronauts are not allowed to cry. You can make a liquid material come out of your eyes, but it doesn't fall like it does on Earth.